What is SEL?
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral part of education (Australian Curriculum) and human development.
The Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) is the leading organization advancing the promotion of integrated academic, social, and emotional learning for all children.
HAPPY BUILDER programs incorporate CASEL’s five core competencies of social emotional learning.
Self-Awareness — The ability to recognize personal emotions, values, strengths, and limitations
Self-Management — The ability to manage behaviors to achieve personal goals
Responsible Decision Making — The ability to make constructive choices about personal and social behavior
Social-Awareness — The ability to show understanding and empathy for others
Relationships Skills — The ability to form positive relationships, work in teams and deal effectively with conflict
How does SEL benefit students?
Research shows that SEL not only improves achievement and academic outcomes, but it also increases social skills (such as kindness, sharing, and empathy), improves student attitudes toward school, and reduces depression and stress among students.
Why do HAPPY BUILDER Programs support the development of SEL skills?
HAPPY BUILDER has a learn-through-play approach: by actively engaging the participants in its hands-on workshops, SEL happens naturally. Because the social skills are learned through experience and play, the learning is deeper, more meaningful and easy to re-utilise in day to day life.
Social & Emotional Learning offers the opportunity to learn and practice social skills such as:
Conflict management
Building strong relationships
Acknowledging & managing feelings
HAPPY BUILDER programs are set out to explicitly promote SEL skills using hands-on experience and a strengths-based approach.
Our programs focus mainly on the following skills:
TEAMWORK: How to work effectively in Teams?
MANAGING CONFLICTS: How to handle them?
Using cooperation to resolve conflict.
STRENGTHS: Identify your own strengths as well as your
peers' strengths and put the focus on them.
RESILIENCE: Using your strengths and peer strengths,
developing problem-solving skills and leadership,
strategies to handle challenges.